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    An excellent team constituted by a group excellent employees and collectives. We cherish the leading role of those excellent workers and collectives. Lonsen appraises and elects advance collectives and individuals annually, in order to commend them during daily work.

    Staff > Teamwork

    Advanced group

    • Most performance
    • Management of breakthrough

    In 2011, Dyes Business Divisions seizes the opportunity under complicated and unstable market condition, realizing the dramatically profit increasing. During the market operation, Lonsen plays a big role as the leader of dyes industry. Meanwhile, it also impacts a lot on industry coordination and industrial chain, relatively better realizing the performance improvement and risk control.

    Advanced worker

    • Zhang Rongwei (R&D Company))

      Zhang Rongwei is responsible for E&I work. During the practice of all projects, he controls a lot on quality management, and cooperates with reasonable working scheme, striving for most economic and suitable process pattern, in order to fulfill the production requirements. Only two of those projects have been saved for more than millions. He also saves millions of operation fees for company every year.



    • Chen Weizhang (Dyes center))

      Chen Weizhang plays great role on improving, promoting and popularizing the disperse dyes after treatment equipments and new process, which enhances the efficiency and effect; decreases milling procedure, and solves the problem of miscellaneous trifles. He also completed V93 technology improvement project which has positively initiation meaning.

    • Zhang Guoliang (Sales Company))

      In the economy downturn, Zhang Guoliang still strived for exploration and fighting. He continuously perfected his team; seized the Shaoxing basement and developed the Guangdong market. The sales value in 2011 increased for 17% compared with last year. The total sale volume is 13,000 tons while the funds recovery reaches 90%, which set a good example for other salesman.

    • Wu Qiang (Company Department))

      Wu Qiang is responsible for sub-company management. He coordinates and instructs the sub-company operation and management work positively, which contributes a lot on realizing the year-end target. He also took part into the Dystar integration work, assisting the leader to finish the HR work. He innovates continuously, and serves a lot for company decision made.

    • Wang Li (Sichuan Jilong))

      Wang Li have been engaging on QC training and management work in the front line for pretty long time. Any trainee from Wang Li can 100% passed the assessment examination; some of them even became the group head or backbone of QC group. She even researched and developed an effective detection method.

    • Shen Liang (Longshan Chemical Company))

      Shen Liang overcame various difficulties with his team and fulfill the integral moving successfully. Meanwhile, he also contributes a lot on products improvement, security and management. In 2011, he as the project manager, completed the design and equipments ordering for alkali project.

    • Shen Jiajie (Steel-sheet Company))

      Shen Jiajie is responsible for equipments maintenance and repair. In order to secure the smooth running, he always checks the equipments irregularly, once there’s hidden danger he will repair immediately. During the rolling mill installation and commissioning period, he worked on site everyday positively. He contributes a lot on improving the equipments movability.

    • Liu Feng (Intermediates Business Division))

      Liu Feng fulfilled the diphenol production task completely. He also cooperated with R&D Co., Ltd, and put forward some suggestions during MVR project commissioning work. With the condition of time shortage and heavy work load, he worked with R&D Company and provided reasonable suggestion, finally finished the EFK project successfully.

    • Li Beibei (Shanghai Lonsen Properties Company))

      Li Beibei is the sales manager, who is in charge of the two real estates projects in Shanghai. He contributes a lot on 319 protects, which planned on March 31rd, 2012 and has 3 months ahead of the schedule. Funds reclaiming for more than 90 million in 2011, totally 0.28 billion.

    • Hualiang (Kehua Company))

      Since Xu Hualiang became the chief of a work section, by process improvement, the product quality he managed has been improved comprehensively. Compared to 2010, 1#B has increased for 1%; solving the problem of low filtration and bad upgrading.